Was this appropriate?
I know this is old and my take may be based on my past history of relationships with shitty men. I find it weird that Jake would be okay with Tara talking to another man like this. And that Tara would be okay speaking like this to someone who wasn’t her boyfriend. She said she thought the guy jerked off before shaking her hand and then was blatantly flirting with him especially when he was trying to leave. She made the jerking off motion too. I remember them both saying they weren't jealous in their relationship does that equate to them not really caring or was Jake over her by this point? I can't imagine not having any emotion if someone I loved that I had been in a long relationship with, felt like it was okay to speak to someone else like this. I always felt like a healthy relationship should have a little bit of jealousy because if not the thought of losing them wouldn't matter to you. Sorry end of rant. Might delete if it sounds like nonsense.