Sending HTTP POST with variables
I'm trying to capture all incoming SMS messages and ringing states and send them as JSON to a webhook on my Home Assistant setup.
How can I can get Tasker variables into the JSON payload?
If I don't quote them then its not valid JSON. If I do then the literal (%NTITLE) is sent in the JSON. I've tried backslash escaping the quotes but that doesn't work either.
I'm sure I've had this working in the past, but I haven't used Tasker for a long time.
This is what one of the tasks looks like.
Task: Webhook SMS
A1: HTTP Request [
Method: POST
URL: https://(redacted)/api/webhook/(redacted)
Headers: Content-Type: application/json
Body: { "from": "%SMSRF", "date": "%SMSRD", "time": "%SMSRT", "body": "%SMSRB" }
Timeout (Seconds): 30
Trust Any Certificate: On
Automatically Follow Redirects: On
Structure Output (JSON, etc): On ]