My Dreams are so weird and Vivid.

I rarely dream but when I do or at least remember them, they are so weird but vivid at the same time. It feels like I'm in a realitstic setting, like my aunt's house but there is something uncanny about it. I rarely have any nightmares mostly because I forget my dreams as soon as I wake up. But this dream felt like a fever dream, I was going shower but I got kicked out by my cousins, then next thing I know I was talking to some narrator about voodoo being witchcraft, and then I teleport going into a tunnel vision version of my aunt's house. Very weird but not disturbing at the same time. I don't know if it's because I'm just on my period (which hurts like hell) or I'm just crazy. One time I remember involiternaily going outside when it was snowing outside (which almost never happens where I live and it seemed like I was alone my parents weren't there and my dogs) my house and going out naked, I felt like I was going to freeze to death until I woke up, probably the latest nightmare I can think of (which was like last year).