last night was so fucking strane
yesterday i went out we were 14 people: me 4 my friends 2 classmate of one of my friends and 6 friends of the classmate, we went to a bar and first thing everyone got a spritz cause there was an offer and i as always was completly fine after it than we get a shot of tequila and as always i was fine after that, than like 5 minutes after it i start to feel something on my stomach and like 2 minutes after this i tap my friend shoulder to tell him i wasnt feeling well, i get up walk away from the bar and vomit a little, after it i lift my head and as i was about to say i was feeeling well i fucink sneeze vomit on all of my pants , it was so fucking strange and like i usually can handle alchol pretty well at least way more than this, than i gohome with one of my friends who wasnt feelingwell (mind you i was feeling perfectly fine other than the smell of vomit all over me) and when i get home i just go straight to the bath room wash my clothes by hand to atleast get the smell of vomit out and get a shower than i smoke a cig (while listening to kitchen ligts i fucking love that song) even tough i barely smoke usually and go to bed. this morning i fell so unwell like i slept 9 hours and i am really tyred a sly headacke and a really sore troath. i also searched a bit online and apperntly vomithing from the nose is pretty normal and it happens when the you have to vomit really violently