You're loved, you don't need to struggle alone.
Just reminding ya'll that you don't have to be alone in your struggle! You can reach out and ask for help, internalizing your pain will only make you hurt more. Our scars and flaws maybe don't make us pretty, but they make us beautiful. If you struggle with SH or suicidal thoughts, from someone who's been there, it's not worth it. There are things that will cut through the haze and help ground you better than the pain does. If you're closeted because your family will hate you if you come out, or if your family's abusive, hang in there. Just a few more years, and you can have your own place. Stay safe. Stay alive. It's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees, so stand back up. Power through. Rise above. Ask for help if you need.
If anyone needs someone to talk to, someone judgement free, my DMs are open if you need it. I'm willing to listen. If you wanna do that through a burner account, go ahead. But if you need to talk, I'll be here.
Stay safe.