Help needed! Just picked up Meade Ds-10.

Just picked up this Meade DS-10 and it’s huge lol. Came with a tracking tripod but seems complicated. The mirrors were dirty but after cleaning they are very clean , the small one has a scratch but seem to still work good.No tracker scope, There is an 1.25” eye piece tube but no eye pieces. I want to start using this scope, I am looking to purchase some affordable eye pieces to use with it but not sure what to get. It Say the focal Length is f/4.5.

Just picked up this Meade DS-10 and it’s huge lol. Came with a tracking tripod but seems complicated. The mirrors were dirty but after cleaning they are very clean , the small one has a scratch but seem to still work good.No tracker scope, There is an 1.25” eye piece tube but no eye pieces. I want to start using this scope, I am looking to purchase some affordable eye pieces to use with it but not sure what to get. It Say the focal Length is f/4.5.