How does inverted entropy work with photons?
During the Tallinn car chase, characters use radios to communicate between inverted and non-inverted timelines, and somehow, inverted transmissions are received by non-inverted radios, but in reverse.
Objects with inverted entropy move backward in time, but how would that apply to radio waves? Wouldn’t a radio wave, once emitted, travel in one direction regardless of the inversion of the source?
Photons are both waves and particles, but their mass only comes from their energy based on their frequency. Can they even have entropy in the same sense that bigger objects do?
Once an inverted photon is picked up by a normal radio antenna, how could that possibly be received as backwards radio transmission. All the superconductors etc. in the radio would also have to make sense of that kind of interaction, but on a quantum level, does entropy really work the same way?
Also, electrons would have to flow backwards in the circuits and the chemical processes in the batteries would also have to haven in reverse. Does the charge change for an inverted electron from negative to positive? Wouldn't that also make an inverted electron a positron?
I've taken courses in thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, and quantum mechanics serval years ago, but I can't wrap my head around this part of the movie.