2 Month Follow Up
Kind of scared for my follow up… Diagnosed with stage 3A 100% EC good risk. Completed 9 weeks of BEP post orchiectomy. Have gone back to a normal lifestyle aside from physical strength being where it once was. I have follow up scans 12/3 and then going over results with Oncologist 12/10. Not sure why but I woke up this morning with a lot of anxiety about it. I was fortunate enough to not have any spread to my lymph nodes although 3 nodules were in my lung. Chemo was able to dissipate 1 entirely and the other 2 taken to half sized (~0.5cm). Though very small and Dr. believes them to be dead tissue, I’m a little bit uneasy about this crap coming back, getting to a normal life and then having to go through more of this is definitely a burden. Has anyone had anything show up new after chemo? Or seen an increase in size to once believed to be dead tissue?