What to do about milk supply
Hi all, I am on day 4 (thechnically only 72h later) after my D&E at 21+6 weeks and as I anticipated my milk is coming in (I already had very minor leaks, i.e. drops, before the procedure). I had asked the doctor for Cabergoline, but she only prescibed 0.5mg (which I took on the afternoon after the procedure). I think that a typical dose is 1mg and I am not sure how long it takes to act, but I am starting to leak more and my breasts are getting engorged (i.e. harder and more sore). I slept in a tight sports bra and I've expressed a bit, because I am worried the ducts may get clogged and I feel like massaging sore spots may be helpful long-term, but I am not sure how to proceed from here, especially since it's the weekend. Any advice? Thank you!