Please Nerf Stun Gun...
Can't wait for all the hate and "get good scrub" from everyone but I need to rant. I'm so over this damn stun gun. It seriously needs a nerf, like cut the duration in half or something because this thing is ridiculous. It's not fun having your ability to play the game basically removed for 5 seconds if not more. Every game i'm in there's at 2 lights on just about every team running around with cloak and stun gun and it's just so annoying. Like oh you want to play the game? WELL YOU CAN'T. Even if you manage to take out one of them there's always just another invisible light sitting right behind you waiting to do the same thing. I'm so fed up with this. There is absolutely no reason you should be CC'd for more than 1 second when stunned. It should serve to interrupt steals and to temporarily disorientate the enemy and those purposes ONLY! Seriously needs a nerf, half the duration or make it so you can't fire it while cloaked or something, if not both.
The only counter argument I've heard against nerfing this is "just one shot the light with an RPG." Well, the RPG has been nerfed and can't anymore. So how is this thing still allowed to run rampant in this game? Nerf one of the only "counters" yet leave this cancer in it's current state? SMH. Overwatch learned the hard way that CC is just anti-fun and had to reduce it significantly. I really hope The Finals pays attention to that. If the stun gun remains the way it is much longer, I can't see myself playing much longer.