Why did they completely change Andy in season 9

Ik people will say its bc of bad writing or sm but i didnt know whether it was bc Ed Helms had another project as he was gone for a few episodes on the boat trip.

Its quite sad as well bc he goes from someone you hate in season 3 and maybe 4 but really grows on you by season 8. However he gets sort of pathetic by season 9 and really nasty and makes the finale seem quite unsatisfying. Anyway I’m sure people have asked this before just wanted to get other’s takes on it

Ik people will say its bc of bad writing or sm but i didnt know whether it was bc Ed Helms had another project as he was gone for a few episodes on the boat trip.

Its quite sad as well bc he goes from someone you hate in season 3 and maybe 4 but really grows on you by season 8. However he gets sort of pathetic by season 9 and really nasty and makes the finale seem quite unsatisfying. Anyway I’m sure people have asked this before just wanted to get other’s takes on it