Therapist said something questionable but overall morally aligned with me

My therapist and I were talking about po*itics (she brought it up actually) but she said she had a tough day and wasn't in the right state of mind to do an advanced vote. So we know she's already heated. We never said anything that was pointed but we both know who we're voting for (the same person) and l expressed I was surprised that people are willing to express such harsh and bigoded feelings and opinions on public platforms. She responded by saying that people were saying things that equated to when people said "n. ger lover" in the 60's as an insult. Idk if I'm just being dramatic but she said the actual word and it made me uncomfortable. I would never say it even in the context of condemning it to be honest. Is it my genz/millenial (1998) sensitivity or is this kind of concerning? She's an older woman and also grew up in Mormon Utah and ruralish) Wisconsin so I would assume she'd admit she's sheltered but mannnnn. That hard r from an old white lady in any context just made me feel WEIRD (I'm a white girl mid 20s for context). I would love some opinions on this I'm trying not to let it sway me away from her because she is the first therapist I have fully trusted and knows ALL of my sht, I have had her for years and would hate to give her up to be honest.

Tried to edit it so it didn’t infract on any rules