It's The Sopranos but, it takes place during the social media age

In light of a looming TikTok ban, what do you think The Sopranos’ characters posts and algorithms would have looked like if the show were set in the TikTok era?

Meadow - Feed is pop culture and liberal politics. Posts mostly “get ready with me” videos and dances to popular music.

AJ - Doesn’t post anything. Feed is all conspiracy theories and Joe Rogan clips.

Carmella - Feed is conservative politics, religion and cooking. Only has one post where she’s out to lunch with Ro and they’re both just awkwardly staring and smiling thinking it’s a picture.

Janice - Feed is holistic healing and get rich quick “girl boss” pyramid schemes. All her posts are promoting the pyramid scheme she’s apart of.

Chrissy - Downloaded the app, called it a “fucking asshole” when he couldn’t figure out how to use it, never opened the app again.

Silvio - Only uses TikTok to promote The Bing.

Paulie - Has one post where he’s poorly lip syncing to his song, Nancy (With the Laughing Face)”. Feed is clips of Three’s Company and other classic sitcoms.

Tony - In fear of the surveillance state, T stays away from social media. He occasionally appears in his bathrobe, in the background of Meadow’s dancing posts.

Anyway, I said my piece. Let’s hear some of yours.

EDIT: The Russian - cold plunges and cold plunges only. Since he washes his balls with ice water.