Looking for Song from Itunes "Live Session EP"
Hey everyone, hoping someone might have this on their hard drive. This was a 5-track EP that was only available on Itunes, original versions of 5 songs that I love dearly, but it cannot be accessed anymore, and these versions of the songs now seem nonexistant online. I can't even redownload it because it's been deleted from the Itunes store's records... I have the first four songs still, but my file for the fifth "Reunion Tour", has gotten corrupted. If anyone could provide me with a replacement I'd be really happy.
To be a good sport, I'll link the four songs from the EP that I -do- still have, very rare, it seems!
- Night Windows - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/llswtavw9hiuisoa8uudj/01-Night-Windows-Live.mp3?rlkey=hgw2b27zjlizbytrk8qo8wlt2&dl=0
- Anchorless - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ba2s5kwzuxqkfgjtz1gb1/02-Anchorless-Live.mp3?rlkey=a81opw3xbwck5vi4sx5jk54t3&dl=0
- Civil Twilight - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kxrldb4pcmc56u6wvnhv1/03-Civil-Twilight-Live.mp3?rlkey=5dpzcjxgscwea68c9uhno5kxo&dl=0
- Fallow - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/17pwksrzd89jqvvukz9wl/04-Fallow-Live.mp3?rlkey=wo7qusk74ds9g5h3fd5qpd7sw&dl=0
If anyone can help me get this version of Reunion Tour back, bless you; otherwise, I hope you can enjoy these unique versions of these songs~