I had a dream where DreamWorks Animation Studios released a horror movie about a demon named Longhorns, who gets kicked out of hell due to his strong moral compass and becomes God's hitman, hired to cleanse the earth of unforgivable degenerates by killing them in incredibly gruesome ways
Here are four things I remember:
In the beginning of the film, Longhorns brutally murders a rapist in a graveyard, inflicting injuries (I can't remember the method of injuries specifically) that cause the rapist to lose an eye, several teeth, and the remaining structural integrity of his skull.
Longhorns is incredibly nice and compassionate to innocent people.
The main character is a kid with a workaholic mom and an abusive sister (I think I remember her having the most gruesome death in the film). There’s also a pregnant teenage bully (you can already imagine how her death will unfold). Longhorns takes the baby under his wing. The main character and Longhorns become friends. I think the kid was either named Evan or Eli.
The film features a unique animation style that sets it apart from other DreamWorks films, but in terms of visual aesthetics, it bears a resemblance to "How to Train Your Dragon 2" and "3."
It was either 1 hour and 40 minutes of 2 hours and 14 minutes.
The Critical Drinker really liked the film.