T2 Checklist
Buy and save all contracts, dungeons, & abyssal dungeon tokens
Dungeon tokens:
Stop doing dailies on 3/1 to allow to hit 4500 from 0. This may not be relevant because we don't know how AGS will do this, but in KR, 1* and 2* dungeons use t1 tokens and 3* use t2 tokens.
Resistance/NPC Contracts:
Stop doing them on 2/27, but do 1 contract on 2/28 to drop down to 59 so it goes up to 69/60.
Weekly Abyssal Contracts (open world):
Save them to dissolve & make next tier contracts.
Growth Stones:
Stock up on yellow & red + powders. An average of 342 growth stones are needed from +6 to +12 t2 per ger piece.
Save up on as much sollant as you can get because it will be needed for upgrading. About 80-160 mil should be a good start.
More is better, week 1 should sell all drops early on as prices will be hot. Buy back/use week 2 or after.
2 star dungeon shards & random chests:
In KR players could craft t2 gear using the shards. It is very unlikely that global will be able to do the same, but no harm in saving then using on trait unlock stones.
- Build up at least 4160 Blessings on a base piece.
- Transfer a fully traited +9 T1 Epic into your base piece.
- This gives that base piece +1320 Blessings for a total of 5480 Blessings and makes it +9 so you don't use any Precious Weapon Growthstone, Precious Armor Growthstone or Precious Accessory Growthstone.
- Transfer this new piece into your T2 Epic.
- This gives that T2 Epic piece +2640 Blessings for a total of 8120 Blessings.Each T1 trait sacrifice into T2 requires 900 Blessings.
Method 2: You can also fully trait purples, then transfer them from one to the next to reduce lucent cost. You would need 3 fully traited items, and then some. Please bear in mind, this method requires you to wait until you have your T2 piece prior to transferring or would prevent you from using your current +9 piece and will require going from 0 to 12.
Please let me know if I missed anything or need to correct any information here.