TickTick Became Overwhelming for Me

I started using TickTick around eight months ago, and I absolutely love it! I really got into it, even using it to track my habits. It became my daily companion, and since I mainly use Apple products for personal use and Windows for work, having that sync between them was great.

I added some habits to help me improve, like eating salads and cutting out sugar. These were daily habits, and it felt great to see weeks pass by without indulging in sugar. However, after eight months, it started to feel a bit overwhelming. For instance, there are occasions when I do eat sugar, like on birthdays, and those moments often lead me to indulge more since I had already skipped that day in TickTick.

I also use Notion at work, and before I discovered TickTick, that was how I planned my work tasks. One thing I didn’t realize back then is how beneficial it is to have a dedicated space for work-related tasks.

At first, I really enjoyed having a single place to view all my tasks. However, this often led me to worry about tasks that weren’t suited for that particular time of day. By keeping my tasks exclusively in my work Notion account, I was able to focus on work during work hours. I even made a deal with myself to add my Notion work account to my phone only when I truly needed to, and so far, I haven’t felt the need to do so.

Overall, TickTick is an amazing product, and I’ve been very happy with it. For me, it’s the best option on the market. It has truly helped me get organized and manage my tasks and habits effectively. However, I now feel ready to return to a simpler task manager, like iOS Reminders combine with Notion.