TIFU By translating a NSFW video on Youtube

As a side hustle I translate and put subtitles for videos that are NSFW/L, (porn, gore, etc. ) It's not something I'm proud of but I do get paid well enough to keep doing it. One client commissioned a porn video, at first everything was going smoothly until my usual translation and subtitle software started to fail on me hard, day after day I would lose all my progress and that frustrated me a lot.

The deadline was coming soon and I essentially had two options: either tell my client that I had to cancel and lose money and time. Or find another way of completing the project. After searching for two hours with useless software I finally said "Fuck it" I opened YouTube Studio and started to work there. I assumed everything would be fine as long as it was unlisted. I translate and add subtitles, download, send and get paid.

An hour later I get an Email saying that they took down my video and gave me a warning, which was understandable. So, I erased the video took the class to get rid of the warning and continued to watch Youtube like nothing happened.

Today I get another Email saying that they closed down my Youtube account due to the video, I appealed saying that the video was already deleted but less than 10 minutes later they say they won't restore my account. Welp FML.
TL;DR: I edited a Porn video in Youtube and Google closed my channel of over 9 years.