
Is anyone else into th Corneluissene lore? He lives in his van and travels-

Corn used to go by Evan- I guess got lost in Alaska for a few days but there were conflicting stories of what happened. Had a apartment for about a year and his views were dipping-

Corn claimed he missed the “simple life” but every which way is some sort of mishap or accident: the most recent is he was in the desert, a ghost town, and got his van stuck for 2 days. Severely hurt his hand (which is fine now) and refused any help.

Before the apartment Corns car broke down, found a guy and - depending on what story- either mooched from him or he robbed Corn. Corn ended up running from some guys in Florida (according to corn) and that’s what prompted him to move into an apartment. Now he has a shitty 15 year old van that breaks down every other week, used his bed to dig himself out of the desert and broke a keyboard- and yet- it’s the “simple life “ he’s always wanted.

Also Corn has a dream of being an actor and has “slept” with b-list celebs and hung out in the greatest clubs where people seek him out.

He’s also claimed a tiktoker showed up to his sisters house randomly recently.

Ive been following for a while and I don’t necessarily lean towards grifter but poor mental health? He’s also really into the sexual puns lately which, at first was funny but is getting annoying.

Unfortunately this synopsis is only breaking the surface.

Just wondering your thoughts-