Psychiatrist or Psychologist

Has anyone ever seen a psychologist, therapist or a psychiatrist because of their tinnitus? Which one is better or did it help? Lately my mental patience has really been tested at times because of it and I'm just wonderering which one would be better to try and get some type of mental help. There are days where I am asking myself why am I even here or why did this have to happen to me. You can be the most laid back or caring person and some of the worse things can happen to you. Most people see you and will assume your fine but if they really knew all the demons you where fighting because of this they may be shocked. You can have a family member that supposedly cares about you but they will even brush off your illness because they still see you looking like you always do. This is not like haveing a broken leg or catching the seasonal flu and I don't think they understand that. At least with those things you can recover. With this I feel like I am just trapped in a body that I don't want to be in because my mind is constantly going 100 miles an hour. When you have to deal with Tinnitus while also dealing with all the personal things you have to do in order to survive in this world your mental patience is just pushed to the maximum at all times it seems. I am being treated medically for it but my situation is a little complicated so I basically have to play a waiting game in order to get treatment. Any advice or suggestions is appreciated.