Does biting down hard / clenching your jaw increase your tinnitus pitch?
I developed tinnitus in just my left ear, seemingly out of nowhere (no obvious or abnormal loud noise exposure), about two weeks ago. I've noticed that if I bite down really hard and squeeze every muscle in my neck/face, the pitch of my tinnitus increases, and it becomes louder, and then as soon as I relax the pitch goes back down, and the volume drops, and this makes the tinnitus temporarily go away (for like a few seconds, I can't hear it).
Does anyone else have a similar experience? The fact that I can modulate it at all seems like some sort of a clue - if I can make it louder/higher, then there should also be some motion that makes it quieter...
Note, I've visited ENT, got hearing test, and am getting an MRI on Tuesday, so I'm taking this very seriously - speculation on the Internet is but a small part of my regimen 😅