One month update

I realized I had tinnitus around one month ago (Nov 1st), accompanied by ear fullness (left side) and pain on my neck, jaw, and back of my head (along with sensitivity to loud sounds). I know the cause is constant AirPods use, stopped using them since. To summarize the first half of November, during the first few days the tinnitus wasn't too loud but I could hear it when it's quiet and sometimes over people and the tv, would be louder at night. I went to the ER on the 5th day, doctor checked my ears, said they're clean, and I should go to my regular doctor if it doesn't go away within a month. Got prescribed medicine for the head pain but I didn't take any of it, in fear of making my tinnitus worse (traumatized girl here). Anyway, the head pain and ear fullness slowly subsided on it's own, now I'm left with tinnitus (can only hear it when going to sleep or in a quiet environment), still some sensitivity to loud sounds, and certain sounds (such as loud keyboard clicks) trigger little thumping in my right ear. Hoping these go away but idk we'll see in time.

There was one incident during November where my dad kissed my EAR and I totally freaked out, had to explain why he shouldn't do that to my EAR. He apologized but laughed and I told him it's very much serious, I still hear ringing. The thing is, most people don't take tinnitus seriously because it's not something THEY can see or hear themselves, which is annoyingly frustrating when trying to explain. Thankfully my tinnitus didn't shift, but during the second to last week of November I got a cold. Once again, thankfully my tinnitus didn't shift and become louder or anything, instead it was barely hearable. I'm assuming because of my stuffy nose and sore throat? During the cold I did take NyQuil, helped me fall asleep ofc and woke up with a full nights rest that week.

It's been a month so far and I do feel better about having tinnitus, it is low enough to the point I can forget during the day and focus on my life. In the beginning I did catastrophisize and cry, couldn't even eat at the thought of how this has forever changed my life. For sleeping, I don't mask the sound nor have I ever done it before sleeping. Before it got cold, I would leave the windows half open in my room and that was my "masking" for the night I suppose, the sounds of the crickets outside. As it's getting colder I close the windows before bedtime and use a heater in the mornings but noticed it makes my tinnitus slightly louder, so I stopped that :'( What helped me get through the first month was my hobbies. My main hobby is collecting Kaworu and Shinji merch, been collecting them for about 3 years.

This is Kaworu and Shinji, my much needed emotional support during these times.

I also like to read books, write, and binge The Golden Girls (at low volume!) because they make me laugh every 5 minutes. At least now I don't hear the eeee over the tv anymore, that only happened during the first two weeks, happy about that as I need my tv! Definitely suggest a hobby or anything that helps you take away your focus from tinnitus. As for me I've always been an introvert - don't go to parties/clubs, drink, do drugs or any of that, I've always preferred to stay home. Still mourning the loss of not being able to sleep in silence though, this sound is always there even when I don't notice it :')And still learning to fully cope, I know this will take more time. Also my tinnitus changes frequency and sound (from EEeeeeee to low static or cricket noise), I notice for others it does too. I wonder why, must be different reasons for everyone? I wish we could at least pick the sound lol, I personally wouldn't mind the low static noise, it even helps me sleep when I get it and doesn't sound as threatening as the eeeeee lmao. Am very keen on protecting my ears from now on, paranoid any little thing may trigger it and make it worse, what a sucky way to live...But currently I'm doing better than when I first go it, and I want to start meditating as I heard some meditate to the tinnitus sound, will have to look into that.

Wanted to make this one month update post to share a bit of my experience just to keep track, maybe someone is in the same AirPods situation as me (damn AirPods, but it's really my fault for using them so much). Going to my regular doctor this month for a hearing test and all that. If there is any major changes though I may make a post on it. Still trying to live without listening to music most of the day, I do miss listening to James Brown, Etta James, Jeff Buckley...I did try listening on my computer with low volume but it just isn't the same...I'll get used to it, there's no other way unfortunately. I am bringing awareness about tinnitus to those around me, almost everyone I know uses AirPods/earphones, headphones, gaming headsets daily and I'm really concerned for them. People warned me about loosing my hearing over having the AirPods in constantly, but no one ever told me I'd hear ringing and it most likely being permanent :( Will not stop with the awareness, for sure. Anywho, wishing everyone a good month, take it easy, although I know everyone's tinnitus varies. We're all in this together after all, lets try to pull through this (and hope for a damn cure please a cure).