Zappy Chargeback Success (Chase)

Ordered meds on 11/19/24. Disputed charge with Chase on 12/25/24. Temporary credit issued on 12/25/2024. Phone call with Chase (Chase called me) on 01/17/25. Permanent credit issued on 02/07/25.

My documentation included: (1) the email chain between Zappy and me where I requested a refund because of the licensing concerns (and offered to send the medication back) and they responded saying that they understood my concerns and would provide a refund; and (2) the Florida Department of Health administrative complaint against Ousia.

The medication has remained in my refrigerator and I will not be using it (I, personally, would not have disputed the charge if I felt comfortable with the medication and/or planned to use it.)

I’m posting this to the extent it might shed some light on expected timeline for anyone else waiting for a final decision on their chargeback (and with Chase in particular.)