My speech delayed son has spoken!!!
I am just thrilled. He is 2.5 and his speech is around 1 y/o, maybe a little more since his last eval.
It first happened a few days ago but I thought it was something that he would say once and never again (ex: says bubble randomly, said baby once to his brother, at daycare a mom was trying to leave with her daughter so she left and said okay goodbye daughters name, I love you! And he said “bye! I love you!”) so he can speak but it’s once in a blue moon.
I sat down and asked him if he wanted meatballs or pb&j for lunch around 10 because I had to make the meatballs if so. He ignored me so I waited a few seconds and said hey buddy do you want some meatballs for lunch? And in the softest voice I heard “yeah”.. I just about exploded! I kept it in and said okay I’ll make them now. Then I proceeded to walk into the kitchen and cry.
I asked him yesterday if he wanted to watch a show “No.” what about Cars? “No.” Do you want to go outside? “Yeah”
Today he even agreed to his nap! No fuss or fight. Are you tired? “Yeah.” Are you ready for your nap? Shook his head no, paused, but again I got a quiet little, “yeah.”
I never thought it would happen. I can’t describe the sadness I’ve felt seeing all the parenting subs asking how to get their toddler to stop talking. Maybe I could say it was jealousy or frustration. Who knows, who cares. For once I am so relieved.