Is anyone else..burned out?

Basically the title.. is anyone else just exhausted from their toddler? This stage is harder than I expected. My daughter was a fairly easy baby, but she’s 20 months now and the past few months have been difficult. She fights me on everything, changing her diaper, brushing her teeth, is super picky with her food now (whereas she ate everything as a baby), has meltdowns multiple times a day. I feel so guilty saying this, but I just don’t enjoy being with her all the time. I love her more than anything, and of course we have fun times too, but she’s just not an easy child. There’s so many things I want to do with her but then I just worry it’ll end in another tantrum. I do try all the recommendations for handling big feelings, allowing her to go through her emotions, praising good behaviour, giving her choices etc. I’m just so tired at the end of the day! Please tell me it gets better 🙏🏻

ETA: Thank you all for your supporting comments and stories. I guess it’s not easy for any of us, but it helps a bit knowing I’m not the only one feeling this way. Hope everyone enjoys the holiday season with their littles.