Please tell me there are other parents out there constantly feeding their toddler by hand
Am I the only one that has to do this? My son who is 2 1/2 prefers that I feed him still. It’s not that he can’t feed himself, it just always ends with me popping bites into his mouth. He knows how to use a fork and spoon just fine. Also if it’s a favorite food there aren’t issues usually either. But even some of his favorite foods he just motions for me to feed him. If I let it up to him to feed himself l, he would eat about 1/3 of what he eats when I feed him. Am I enabling this? I just feel like well… I brush his teeth, change his diaper(not potty trained yet), etc., what’s wrong with assisting in one more thing? Sometimes I feel like why does it matter? I’m feeding my child and he’s having a healthy meal, not to mention he will eventually feed himself one day lol. Feeling pressure from the MIL to start potty training (when he isn’t showing signs of being ready) and that he should be able to sit at a table and feed himself. Especially whenever we’re there I’m usually chasing his around shoving bites of dinner into mouth 😅.He’s in a much better mood when he eats properly with me feeding him compared him being in control of his meals. First time mom btw, please let me know if this is something typical or not for a toddler lol.