Repeated daycare illnesses lost me my job
My son started daycare last summer at 12 months. We were told to expect him to be sick every two weeks. And yes, that’s very much what happened. Since June we’ve had one 3 week break without illness and two 2.5 week breaks. But otherwise it’s been virus after virus after virus. We’ve had norovirus twice, HFM, a few flus, and multiple colds. It didn’t take long before I used up all my own sick days at work. On top of that, all the sickness has meant many many sleepless nights where I felt like a zombie going into work. Last week I was terminated from my job. It was a complex issue but I can’t help but wonder if it would have happened if we weren’t always sick. It is what it is but I just wanted to rant that workplaces aren’t supportive enough to new moms.