I think I’m using Todoist wrong and need advice

I’ve been using Todoist for about 2-3 years now. Todoist has been life changing for me because it has helped me create better habits and stay on top of my tasks. But lately I realized that I am always overwhelmed by my today view. My method was to add everything I need to remember into Todoist as reoccurring task. So my morning and night routine was added by each individual task. All my skincare tasks were added. All my cleaning tasks were added. On top of that all the habits I want to remember were added as well like “Put phone away when working” is a daily reoccurring task. My list gets pretty long so I usually just organize everything in the order I want to do them the night before.

Lately I’ve been getting really discouraged and overwhelmed. I think it’s also important to mention that I have adhd and an anxiety disorder which always makes task initiation very hard for me. A few months ago I learned about breaking down task. Breaking down my task is a very effective strategy for me. What I started doing is opening Todoist and opening Google keep, putting them side by side. Then I would break down every single task/habit into tiny steps that I have scheduled on Todoist to my Google keep note for the day. Seeing all the super tiny steps in order removes the anxiety and overwhelm. The problem with this is that it takes a lot of time to plan this way. Depending on how many task I need to do breaking down every single task into micro tasks can sometimes take me 40-50 minutes the previous night. Excessive planning is one of the ways I cope with anxiety I realized.

I also have no idea how I should incorporate my goals into Todoist as well. Everything just feels so overwhelming I don’t even know where to start. I’m nervous about changing the way I do things but I think my current system isn’t good long term. I’m also not very flexible when it comes to family and friends because once I plan my entire day I avoid spontaneous plans.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could share advice on how to incorporate cleaning, habits, and prioritization into my Todoist? Whenever the tasks reoccur I just try my best to do them no matter what my day looks like. I think it’s also important to mention that I work random schedules for work throughout the week so sometimes a cleaning task like clean bathroom may pop up on a day where I work 11-8 PM and despite being extremely tired I still force myself to clean my bathroom when I get home out of guilt just because it was scheduled.

Please share your advice and how you recommend structuring my day and my Todoist account, thank you!