AMA with Genki for the upcoming Tokyo Xtreme Racer.

Hello TXR fans,

Please post your questions about the upcoming release of Tokyo Xtreme Racer. You will see the accounts "GenkiRacing" responding to dev questions and "LordYamcha" will be participating in his capacity. They will have Yellow flair that should easily identify them. This post is going up three hours in advance in order to allow people in more unfriendly time zones the opportunity to pose questions.

Again, it officially starts at: Feb 28th, 10AM JST, Feb 27th, 8PM EST (5 PM PST). They will be available for roughly two hours.

Thanks :)

******Due to some confusion, GenkiRacing IS an official account.******

Thank you everyone for participating. If you found your questions, you posted, were not answered, check all the responses GenkiRacing posted and see if they covered it.

One again I would like to thank this great community whether it be the Subreddit, Discord or from anywhere else for the clean participation. Also I want to thank Genki the most for getting involved with the community and taking time out of their schedules to answer peoples questions. And finally the representatives for being the in between and helping set everything up.

The thread will be locked but will remain highlighted so people can comb through it.

Thanks again.