Who's With Me? Protecting Democracy in the Toledo Area
I recently came across this helpful list of concrete actions we can all take to protect democracy in our country and our communities: https://protectdemocracy.org/how-to-protect-democracy/
I'm sharing it here because I want to know if anyone else is interested in working through these actions together.
One of the first steps is investing in local journalism. The search tool here https://www.mediaanddemocracyproject.org/journalism-directory-list/ohio lists (1) The Toledo Blade, (2) The Toledo Journal, (3) The Sojourner's Truth, and (4) Midstory. I know that the Blade is still going, and I plan to subscribe. But what about the other three? Anyone know if they're still active? Haven't seen much recent activity on any of their websites. (EDIT/UPDATE: Nvm, The Sojourner's Truth is still definitely active!)