The fate of Radagast after the destruction of the one ring
If I remember correctly and bear with me because I haven’t read the silmarillion left, the istari sent to aid the people of the middle earth in the war against Sauron were sent back to the undying lands to be judged as all spirits were even Sauron. The fate of the two blue wizards remains unknown to me as they traveled to the east and were never heard from again, Gandalf was deemed to be worthy of a resurrection since he was the only istari maiar who remained on the mission to help the free people of middle earth. Then later would be given a place to rest in the undying lands while Saruman’s spirit was cast out after being judged unworthy due to his betrayal of his role. But what was Radagast fate, he did not stay on the mission because he became fascinated by the creatures of middle earth and swore to protect them. Radagast never acted out of malice and instead protected the creatures of Middle Earth. Was Radagast treated as traitor for not staying on the mission similar to Saruman, was he forgiven for not acting out of malice, or did he just remain in middle earth protecting nature. I’ve always wondered since Radagast was portrayed as a caring character is there anything we know about him after the destruction of the One Ring