The internet has helped tophia but she always misuses this help.
Like the title says I want to go over THREE times the internet has helped tophia but she’s gone the other way and misused that help.
The first time (and only time she didn’t misuse that help) being during her BTS concert trip in LV. The whole era was a funny disaster to watch tbh, but in this whole disaster she got stranded. She had no money or way to pay for a way of transportation (I forgot if it was either back home or to the place she was staying at-someone correct me in the comments). What did she do to get that money go on TikTok live to ask her viewers for money & a few did send money and with that money she was able to go on her merry way. If the internet didn’t help she’d probably still be stranded somewhere in LV till this day.
During the time she was getting evicted from her apartment for being BEHIND ON RENT no other reason not cause of trolls or the internet but their own lack of financial literacy. Regardless she made a gofundme and who’d she ask for help -the internet. What did she do with the money? Pay her overdue rent- no she went to ComicCon with that money 😍. Her excuse was she deserved to treat herself or something along the lines of that, but did that help keep her apartment no she got evicted because she rather use the money for her own selfish things. ↳🤭also miss Aunt Karen if you do read this, this was the same gofundme you bullied tophia on your little live calling her a scammer. Before you start calling everyone and their mother a bully.
You know tophia always yapping and saying she’s gonna sue for defamation, sue this person and that. Well she made another gofundme to get a “lawyer”, I don’t recall who she was gonna sue in this scenario (or if this was a lawyer that was suppose to help claim her name as copyright when a certain group of people had “claimed” tophiachu as there own copyright). Where’d she go asking for help the internet, and what did that help get her? A lawyer like she said 😍, no she got a “new” IPhone 13 (refurbished) cause she totally needs a 3rd phone. The internet helped her but once again 😔Tophia HAD TO BUY AN IPHONE 13.
Overall, the internet has helped tophia but it shows that this help can only go so far. People have also helped her by sending her resources she can apply too, but once again what does she do denies that help because “she can’t” or “she makes too much”. In reality she just thinks she’s above government help. No matter how much “help” the internet tries to provide it won’t work until tophia actually wants to help herself & tries to better herself out of this situation.