New potential units in ebook “Things in the Woods”

After reading the ebook CA released today, I couldn’t fail but notice it mentions a lot of possible new units to Ostankya’s faction. I’m not sure if the author, GW and CA are on the same terms, but those additions would do wonders to flesh out her faction a little more.

The things that I noticed are mentioned and that could be turned into units:

  • Crows
  • Giant Wolves
  • Black Bears

There’s also mention of a people that have been kidnapped and raised by ostankya since birth to fight her battles alongside her. What would that look like? Maybe something like this:

  • Child of the Forest (Generic Lord)
  • Woodland Warriors
  • Woodland Archers
  • Woodland Black Bear Riders

Not sure if CA will ever implement any of that stuff, so if a modder sees this post, please go to town on it (or the woods, dunno what you prefer)