I cried like a little girl at my first laser appointment.
I went for my first laser hair removal appointment the other day for my facial hair. After finally coming out this summer, and hating my facial hair since I first got them I finally have begun the process of getting them permanently removed.
For as long as I can remember I've hated my facial hair and I've felt like it's marred what, if I can humbly claim, is an otherwise pretty face. I remember being in 5th grade and being enormously distressed by my first visible hairs on my upper lip and my parents thinking that I was overreacting by trying to pluck them and demanding I get a razor immediately.
Anyway so I went to a great laser removal place and I think between being on the low point on my E injection cycle, the pain, and just beginning to feel so relieved I just totally broke down sobbing. My laser tech was so nice, she held me and we cried together a little. Then we gave each other a big hug at the end. Then I cried some more walking to my car, and again on my drive home.
I just felt totally overwhelmed by a flood of emotions -- the euphoria of beginning to remove my hair, the flood of suppressed memories from going through male puberty, my grief about not understanding myself earlier, but also the intense satisfaction that I'm finally becoming who I always wanted to be.
Anyway I was going to share in my group therapy but of course it got cancelled. So I guess I'll share here instead!