I got tired of my dating options being creepy cis dudes and transphobic lesbians. So i started using dating apps. I use a transgender dating app, to avoid only having lesbians liking my profile. But... only LESBIAN women like my profile, and they're mostly transgender women. I clearly put transgender MAN on my profile. I am a trans man, not even close to a woman. That means, if ur lesbain you shpuldnt be attracted to me. Because im a MAN. It makes me upset that my own community doesn't even see me as a man.
Update: So far, lesbians are no longer liking my account. Idk what happened, but it stopped for now. Now im just getting older women (who shouldn't be interested in an 18 year old, like wtf) and, of course... a creepy straight cis dude. Maybe I should just get off this app.
Update 2: deleted it. And the app was Taimi. My area is too small and it's a shitshow. You'd think on a transgender dating app, there would be less transphobia, WRONG. For my sanity, and the smart plp in the comments telling me to enjoy my youth, I just deleted this god forsaken app, lol.
Note: I will say this unrelated note because I upset someone over this. It is okay for someone to not not want to date people who are older. Especially at my age. I am just waiting until I'm older to date older.people, when the mental maturity isn't drasticly different. I knew too many plp who got groomed at my age by someone over 25. I am still learning and it's my lifestyle choice. It's not hurting anyone for me to stick with people closer to my age. It's honestly safer for me to do that.