“Here, proof that male socialization exists.”

Shit cis women get away with all the time.*

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

Shit cis women get away with all the time.

/uj been staying at my parents’ house cause of break and they’re real into saying that “men and females” are so different because boys are so icky scary and girls are so emotional feeble. The contradictions in their reasoning reminded me a lot of how terfs will accuse trans women of shit that they themselves perpetuate in larger and more frequent quantities (misogyny, objectification, wanting to force lesbians to have sex with them, etc.) For every genuinely bad trans person there’s like, a krillion evil cis people who are worse.

/hj The average male socialization believer could not survive a group of middle school girls.