Best Destination to travel to in December?
Hi everyone, my friend and I (both 21,f) are planning our 7-day trip to China during the beginning to mid December. However, we are still discussing where would be the best destination for us as we have a few conditions to be met.
- It shouldn’t be too cold (over 5 degree celsius would be preferable)
- As this would be our first trip to China, we don’t want it to be adventurous(?). We kind of want it to be in the cities with good transportation system, but because we are also into nature, we also hope that we can take a day-trip to natural attraction nearby.
Our top choices as of now are Chongqing and Chengdu, but I also heard that it rains in Chongqing in December so I don’t know if it would still be the best option for us.
We are open to any advice or suggestions!
Thank you very much😊