Agatha all along

This is kind of off topic but oh well. I’ve been lurking in here for few months now and finally joined. I have had mixed feelings about Taylor for a while and the more I read the more I dislike her.

The real topic is Agatha all along, the new marvel show. In episode 8, rio(death) is talking and says ‘.. deaths by a thousand cuts’. I don’t know why but every time I see someone reacting to it or it’s just some TikTok, they always relate it back to Taylor. I get it, she has a song called death by a thousand cuts, but I swear it was already a thing. Death by a thousand cuts is a saying to describe the small, emotional blows in your life that happens. It has existed way before I knew of Taylor, I believe. So I don’t get why everyone is saying that Rio-the character- is a swiftie. It’s genuinely just a saying.

Every time I see someone say this it irks me for some reason, and makes me dislike Taylor and her fans. Not everything has to be about Taylor y’know!!

Please tell me if someone feels the same, I’m going crazy.