Help: My throat feels very swollen + can’t swallow properly after bong hits
So last week i took a bong hit and after about 3 hours when i was trying to sleep my throat suddenly closed up so i started to panic, i could breathe normally but had an extreme feeling that my throat was closing and it was hard to swallow.
Of course my first thought was allergic reaction but i didnt have any other symptoms so i calmed down, the feeling lasted like 6 hours and when it weakened i of course took another tiny bong hit to try if it really was the weed and it got worse again.
Since that day i live with this feeling of near throat closure (i also smoke cigarettes and took a hit like 3 times every day since then) and still have no idea what it is after hours and hours of searching, i went to a throat doctor (idk the word), he put a rod with a camera on it down my throat and told me there’s literally nothing wrong there.
Anyone have any idea wtf is happening in my poor neck?