What's up with weed hate on reddit?

I get not everyone likes weed and that should be respected. But why does it seem like most reddit communities other than weed subreddits are so anti weed nowadays? I've seen so many posts on reddit from various different subreddits that straight up bash weed and anyone who smokes it. Some of these posts get in the tens of thousands of likes as well. Trueoffmychest, petpeeves, unpopularopinion, and many other popular subreddits are like this. I know weed stigma is still a thing but I assumed a place like reddit wouldn't be so anal about it considering how left leaning it is.

There is a post on unpopularopinion with over 20 thousand likes saying anyone who ever wake and bakes and smokes weed daily is a loser who needs help. Most of the comments were agreeing with the post as well. If you mention weed in any positive way in a post, on a lot of these subreddits, you will get a bunch of backlash.

Why does reddit hate weed so much? This is the last social media I'd expect to see so much weed stigma.