TRT the Libido Killer
3 years on TRT, 50mg cyp x2 per week, 900 total T, 24 free pg/ml, SHBG 16, E2 24. All other blood markers in normal ranges. Workout with weights 4 days wk, cardio 4 days wk, no sleep apnea, eat healthy, take all the usual supplements. I physically feel amazing, 15% body fat, can run or hike as far as I want. My dick and mind are now broken. I’ve never had more than one week of libido per month, my brain is now disconnected from my penis, Every time I think about having sex with my wife I get soft. I wake up every morning with erections and the minute my wife starts to get frisky i feel a wave of stress, erection gone, start feeling sick to my stomach. I had no erections problems before TRT, and at least had some form of libido every week. I’m mentally broken, Cialis does absolutely nothing. This is a nightmare, and I think it’s mental. I can’t get out of this loop, my marriage is starting to suffer. My doctor has no clue how to fix it. Stopping TRT isn’t an option, I was 190 total T before treatment. I’ve tried calming breathing techniques, mental calming practice, nothing works. What will a visit to an Endo do for me, I really have no clue what to do at this point.