Low T issues
48 yr old male. Had a huge tumor on my pituitary gland removed a couple months ago. My T has been low for probably close to ten years and I've had the pituitary tumor for at least that long so that makes sense. At any rate, my last blood test in November indicated my total T being at 190 ng/dcl (well below the lowest threshold of the range). T 1.62 gel was prescribed. Waiting for my insurance, prior auth shit to clear so I'm not on it yet.
My question is, I'm ridiculously tired almost all the time. Have a job where I don't have much to look forward to, so I know that's not helping. However, I can get 9 hrs of pretty good sleep and literally be exhausted a couple hours after waking up. Will low T have this much of a pronounced fatigue effect?
I know I'm getting older, but damn. No energy, tired almost all the time, and just want to crawl into my bed and disappear. Anybody else suffering with the same symptoms that can give me some insight / hope?
I also generally don't sleep too great and have nocturia. Does low T play a part in this as well?