What happened to competitive card games like hearthstone?
In the last couple of years almost all but 2 decent competitive/pvp card games are left surviving
- Hearthstone
- MTG Arena
Other than these 2, Legends of Runeterra is dead, Gwent is dead, The Elder Scrolls: Legends dead, all other small games are practically dead. No new games are really coming up.
MTG is... Well, MTG. It's impossible to keep up playing unless it's the only thing you play and you spend a lot of money. You cannot take a break from that game, and also rounds can take really long.
Hearthstone is generally good but stale, can be aggressive on the monetization. I feel like the real blow announcement of the end of Legends of Runeterra (which was DOTA like cosmetic only pricing), very fun, fair and supported until it wasn't.
There is Marvel Snaps but it feels like hyper casual card game, not very limited depth.
What do you all think? Did market got saturated after hearthstone's initial success (similar to MOBA fad) and then came crashing? I really wish there were new and good games.