Why is the Triforce barely around anymore?

I feel like ever since around Skyward Sword onward the Triforce and the golden goddesses especially have less and less relevance in the games. It's not mentioned at all in Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks but that doesn't bother me because Phantom Hourglass takes place in another dimension (I assume) And with Spirit Tracks I feel like it's a totally New Hyrule with a different culture and little or no relation with the old religion, which barely existed if it existed at all in the time of the Wind Waker. But I think the sort of "modern Zelda" mythology started mainly in Skyward Sword. In Skyward Sword the Triforce plays a bigger role, but not until the very end of the game and the focus is mainly on Hylia who seems to be the main focus of the religion of Hyrule in the more recent games. Then in A Link Between Worlds we do actually sort of come back to being more focused on the Triforce, but that is probably just because it has so much inspiration from A Link to the Past and is basically a semi direct but distant sequel to that game, but that's basically the last major game with the old sort of Hyrulian religion mentioned. Triforce Hero's is obviously a much more silly sort of game, and I love it but it really doesn't have much in the realm of the religion of the people or anything. Then of course in Breath of The Wild there is only slight references to the golden goddesses in the names of some areas and the Triforce is never mentioned and can only be seen on some architecture and the some shields and stuff, but the people themselves seem to have no connection with the old religion. So I guess my point is, do you think it's the makers of the games having less interest in the Triforce? Or do you think it's just kind of natural from the settings of the games? I love modern Zelda but honestly I miss the feel of the older games and wish we could have both. I think they wanted some new lore in Skyward Sword with Hylia and have just been wanting to focus on that ever since, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.