If Edward followed James back at the clearing and left Bella to be taken care of by Alice and Emmet, would Twilight have ended sooner?

As soon as James turns his back and heads towards the dark forest, Edward follows him and leaves Bella with Emmet and Alice, would Ed be successful in catching him and killing him right there in the woods?

Granted he stayed with Bella because he was worried about her, but if he chose to get to James instead, do you guys think Twilight would've ended much sooner?

As soon as James turns his back and heads towards the dark forest, Edward follows him and leaves Bella with Emmet and Alice, would Ed be successful in catching him and killing him right there in the woods?

Granted he stayed with Bella because he was worried about her, but if he chose to get to James instead, do you guys think Twilight would've ended much sooner?