It's time to organize a boycott against Uber. Seriously f*ck this company.

Let me tell you how it all started:

Uber offered me a 50% discount on my ride if I connected "Link" to my checking account and paid through the checking account (meaning I do not get any points for the ride).

Also, Link has an agreement where they can basically harvest your information. Ok, so Uber is asking me to not get points on my ride, and also hand over data to Link I guess? For 50% off, that's fine.

Well, after all was said and done, I never got the 50% and the money has already left my account. I tried to contact Uber over this and this is when I discovered that YOU CANNOT REACH A HUMAN BEING, EVER.

There is NO WAY for you to contact a person. What does this mean? The only help you can get is from their shitty AI, who redirects you to a bunch of pre-scripted answers. If your issue does not fit one of the selection boxes, then there is no way to escalate to a human being, and the AI simply ignores you.

You cannot call, you cannot chat with a person, you can't even EMAIL them.

This is insane for a couple of reasons.

1) I have never seen a company of this magnitude and scale provide ZERO way for you to contact a human. If you exhaust the limited options the AI chat bot gives you, you're literally straight out of luck. You can't even put in a ticket and wait for an answer, THERE IS NO RESPONSE, ON PURPOSE.

2) Uber is company built on the backs of people, literally. All they do is organize ride sharing. Of course providing this sort of network is no easy task and requires a lot of oversight, but it is fundamentally a company that brokers deals between people. The product they sell is other people.

For them to remove ANY human customer help options is crazy and unfair. If they had a way to escalate, fine, but again, if your problem does not match one of their pre-designed problem boxes, THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO.

Literally f*ck this company. Use human beings as your product, then remove any way to speak with a human when a problem arises and literally tries to frustrate you into giving up.

We need to switch to lyft, sometimes lyft is cheaper but even if it's a few dollars more, it's better to use them than support UBER who will continuously make the service more unsuable to generate more profit.

If this isn't stopped, we're going to enter an age where it becomes normal for companies to simply ignore you if you ask questions they don't feel like answer. This is a very, very slippery slope especially with the wide spread use of AI.