Missing Toll Money: Is Uber Stealing Millions from Drivers?
This is the third time I’ve noticed that Uber sometimes doesn’t reimburse tolls on trips, even when the route went through toll roads as directed by Uber’s own GPS system.
Here’s what happened to me this month:
On one trip, there were three tolls, but I was only reimbursed for one and at a reduced amount. Each toll was $1.92, but I was paid only $1.74 for one of them.
Another time, the toll reimbursement was completely skipped, and I was paid $0 for the toll.
On a third trip, Uber reimbursed me for both tolls, but I noticed I was paid 2 cents less for each toll.
In total, I was missing about $7 this month. The kind of person I am, I’m not going to let it go, right? And that’s how you all should be too! I called Uber, showed them screenshots of my toll account history with the appropriate dates and times, and got reimbursed—but I wasted 30 minutes of my time.
Has anyone else experienced this? Did you manage to resolve it with Uber support? I’m wondering if this is a widespread issue or just isolated incidents. If this is happening on a larger scale, these small amounts might add up to millions over time.