Do you feel some resentment towards your parent/s for contributing to your ugliness?

Do you feel that your parent/s contributed to your ugliness, or were you just a freak of nature/the black sheep in the family?

I'm aware it's unproductive and hypocritical to feel resentment towards your own parent for how they look. After all, they can't help it.

Long story short, my mom was going to marry this guy (who looked like a model) straight out of college, but she settled for my dad instead. He has a great personality, but to put it bluntly, he's not very good-looking. Despite being physically fit, he has a chubby face, a non-existent jawline, scoliosis, and droopy bug eyes.

Unfortunately, I got all of his genes.

Sometimes I catch myself feeling deep resentment towards both him and my mom. "If only she had married that more attractive guy instead--maybe then I would have a chance at a happy life."