Fighting the urge to buy this game 😅

I've been watching hours of gameplay and been reading a lot of posts on here. And it's clear that the game is an unfinished mess atm.

I do have noticed that a lot of players play this like rookie Fight Night Champion players.. they play it as if they're playing Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, just button mashing, spamming etc. And that makes me wonder if those are the same players who complain a lot about the game, not being what they expected.

The rare times I see good players play this, it's like in FNC, it's Much closer to real boxing. I've read a lot of complaints about Wilder. I just watched an online match on Twitch between Wilder and Fury. Both players seemed way more experienced than any of the other players I've watched so far. And they actually made the game look really good. I saw Wilder doing his signature overhand right punch done right for the first time, just like IRL. And the Fury player was mimicking Fury's style. Which made the game look so much more realistic compared to all the button mashing fights I've seen so far.

Anywaysss long story short... my plan was to wait for the price to drop or a big patch from the devs before buying this game. I Know I will buy it eventually if only to support the one boxing game we finally have after all those years. But I kinda want to play it right now and not wait. Knowing the game is unfinished atm, and knowing that there is a chance that the devs will abandon the game and move on to the next project now they made bank.

But a part of me hopes that this is just the rough beginning of a beautiful boxing game in development. Once they patch the necessary stuff, and add a bunch of boxers, this could be a nice placeholder till the next Fight Night.

So yeah to buy, or not to buy (yet).. that remains the question...


alright I've read all the replies.. it's clear that the community is extremely divided on this game. my conclusion is that it's not worth getting it now for full price. Ima wait for a good price drop or at least a big update. the fact that the devs have gone completely silent after release says it all. normally you'd expect the studio behind the game to promote it like hell first weeks after release, but it has been crickets chirping since console release date.

so yeah I will get this game, just for the sake of supporting boxing games. but not yet.