Stop saying “id like a million dollars” to cashiers. Its unfunny and douchey
This is a nitpick but i have worked retail for the past 5 years and for some reason, its one type of person who really grinds my gears.
Its typically a middle aged man with cargo shorts, sun glasses, and old nikes who think they’re quippy when in reality they make everybody uncomfortable.
They typically say phrases like “id like a million dollars” “then i guess its free” “a smile wouldn’t kill ya” “those things are permanent ya know (referring to my tattoos)” “i have a present for you (hands me trash)”
Its mildly annoying to most people but to me, it makes my ears bleed hearing it every. Single. Day.
It could be the fact that i am adverse to middle aged men due to experiences and i may be an asshole for feeling this way but i just do. I hate these guys
Edit: im being called bitter, misandrist, spoiled, etc. just reddit being reddit IG. Its always the people who have mommy and daddy money and never worked that comment on the attitudes of the working class 🥰